Oct 16, 2023  Jambo

Identifying key stakeholders in local consultation and engagement processes

Consultation and engagement processes are pivotal in local development and infrastructure projects.  

Successful outcomes depend on the inclusion of diverse perspectives and the active participation of those who will be affected. But how do you identify who should be involved in these processes?  

This blog explores the key steps to ensure the right stakeholders and contacts are included during local consultations and engagement processes. 

Understanding the landscape

Define the scope:

Before you identify stakeholders, you need to define the scope of your consultation or engagement process.  

What's the goal? What issues are being addressed? What level of involvement will participants have? 

Understanding the parameters of your engagement will guide you in pinpointing the relevant participants. 

Map the community: 

The first step is to create a comprehensive map of your stakeholders – look at the community geographically and demographically.  

Identify neighbourhoods, cultural groups, and socioeconomic layers. This will help you identify groups that might be disproportionately affected by decisions. 

Identifying key stakeholders

Local political representatives:

Seek out the local political representatives like elected officials, local council members and representatives at the local government level. 

These individuals play a crucial role in advocating for the interests of their constituents. Many of your key stakeholders will contact local politicians regarding your consultation and engagement. If the politicians are not current with what is happening, they may pass along incorrect information to your stakeholders. 

Local authorities and government entities:

Start with local authorities and government bodies (like state or semi-state entities). They are often key players in decision-making processes.  

Departments related to town planning, public services, education, and health are typically involved in community initiatives. 

Community and voluntary groups:

Reach out to local community groups, leaders, grassroots organisations, and nonprofit or voluntary organisations with a strong foothold in the area. 

These groups often have a deep understanding of community needs and can represent the interests of specific demographics. 

Local business and industry representatives:

If your initiative involves economic development or affects local businesses, could you work with business owners, industry associations, and chambers of commerce? Their input is crucial for sustainable growth. 

Educational institutions:

Include representatives from local schools, colleges, and universities. Also, seek out local clubs (like sports clubs). 

They can provide valuable insights into the community's educational needs and the potential impact of decisions on the younger population. 

Local landowners and residents:

The backbone of any community, landowners and residents are directly affected by local decisions.  

Seek out the most affected landowners and plan to visit them directly.

Ensure representation from different neighbourhoods, demographics, and socioeconomic backgrounds. A mix of tactics like public information sessions, meetings, surveys, door-to-door engagements, and community forums can help better reach and engage residents. 

Local Consultation

Ensuring diversity and inclusion

Diverse demographics:

Ensure your stakeholder group is diverse in age, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. This inclusivity will lead to more comprehensive and equitable outcomes.  

Be sure to check out our blog on inclusivity in community engagement. 

Marginalised communities:

Actively seek the participation of marginalised and vulnerable members of society.  

Identify barriers to their involvement and work to help overcome them to ensure their voices are heard (this may include offering training, childcare, financial support, or transportation).  

Building collaborative partnerships

Engage the public:

Use a mix of various communication channels to engage the broader public.  

Social media, community meetings, focus groups, and online forums can allow individuals to voice their opinions and concerns. 

You may be interested in our blog on exploring practical tips and tricks to enhance community engagement and encourage active participation. 

Seek expert opinions:

Could you identify subject matter experts relevant to your consultation? Their specialised knowledge can provide critical insights and contribute to well-informed decisions.  

Subject matter experts may be able to help educate people or have good news stories that they can share.  

Continuous evaluation and adaptation

Feedback mechanisms:

Establish feedback mechanisms throughout the consultation process and ensure participants understand what they are and how they can use them. Trust is built when people feel they have an opinion and are being listened to. 

Feedback also allows for ongoing adjustments based on the evolving needs and expectations of the community. 

Iterative approach:

Recognise that stakeholder identification is a process that takes time to complete. As projects evolve, new stakeholders may emerge, and existing ones may change.  

Please go ahead and adopt an iterative approach to ensure ongoing inclusivity. 

A community's strength lies in its members' active participation

The success of local consultation and engagement processes hinges on thoughtful identification of key stakeholders.  

By understanding the community landscape, reaching out to diverse groups, and fostering inclusive dialogue, you can build a collaborative environment that leads to more informed and equitable decision-making. 

Published by Jambo October 16, 2023

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