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Unlock the power of stakeholder engagement reporting in your ESG strategy

By Jambo on July 25, 2024

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations are no longer optional. Regulatory requirements, investor expectations, and ...

How to proactively mitigate stakeholder concerns in renewable energy

By Jambo on June 24, 2024

Renewable energy projects are critical in reducing our carbon footprint as the world transitions towards a sustainable future. ...

Sustainability reporting takes centre stage in Europe: the critical role of stakeholder engagement

By Jambo on May 08, 2024

As companies across Europe grapple with the complexities of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, there's a growing ...

How to identify the stakeholders in your renewable energy project

By Jambo on April 11, 2024

A guide to their concerns and considerations In January and April of 2024, the province of Alberta experienced rolling brownouts due ...

Understanding the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard

By Jambo on January 19, 2024

The AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (AA1000SES) 2015 is a freely available standard for organisations of any size. It's ...

The step-by-step guide to mapping out your stakeholder engagement strategy

By Jambo on December 18, 2023

Stakeholder engagement is a crucial aspect of any successful project or initiative. It goes beyond communication—building ...

How to build trust through stakeholder commitment management

By Jambo on December 11, 2023

Establishing and maintaining stakeholder trust is paramount to successful stakeholder engagement. Staying on top of commitments by ...

5 Proven ideas to transform your community engagement process

By Jambo on November 07, 2023

Community engagement is not just a box to check—it's a vital catalyst for success. Whether you're a community engagement professional ...

Identifying key stakeholders in local consultation and engagement processes

By Jambo on October 16, 2023

Consultation and engagement processes are pivotal in local development and infrastructure projects. Successful outcomes depend on the ...

How to remove participation barriers: inclusivity in community engagement

By Jambo on September 20, 2023

Community and stakeholder engagement are essential to successful decision-making processes and project implementations.