The Jambo blog

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Unlock the power of stakeholder engagement reporting in your ESG strategy

By Jambo on July 25, 2024

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations are no longer optional. Regulatory requirements, investor expectations, and ...

How to proactively mitigate stakeholder concerns in renewable energy

By Jambo on June 24, 2024

Renewable energy projects are critical in reducing our carbon footprint as the world transitions towards a sustainable future. ...

Stakeholder engagement 101: A starter kit for success

By Jambo on June 21, 2024

Stakeholder engagement refers to building and maintaining relationships with individuals, groups or communities interested in your ...

Sustainability reporting takes centre stage in Europe: the critical role of stakeholder engagement

By Jambo on May 08, 2024

As companies across Europe grapple with the complexities of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, there's a growing ...

How to identify the stakeholders in your renewable energy project

By Jambo on April 11, 2024

A guide to their concerns and considerations In January and April of 2024, the province of Alberta experienced rolling brownouts due ...

8 Steps to effective stakeholder engagement tracking

By Jambo on March 22, 2024

Stakeholder engagement is a critical aspect of any project or initiative, influencing its success and sustainability.

Rising stakeholder expectations: the crucial role of proactive engagement

By Jambo on February 20, 2024

Stakeholders' expectations have evolved significantly in an era characterized by rapid technological advancements, heightened social ...

How to build stakeholder support for public projects: expert strategies unveiled

Katie Tierney
By Katie Tierney on January 23, 2024

Embarking on public projects with a spectrum of stakeholders can feel like navigating a maze. The journey from inception to ...

Understanding the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard

By Jambo on January 19, 2024

The AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (AA1000SES) 2015 is a freely available standard for organisations of any size. It's ...

The step-by-step guide to mapping out your stakeholder engagement strategy

By Jambo on December 18, 2023

Stakeholder engagement is a crucial aspect of any successful project or initiative. It goes beyond communication—building ...

How to build trust through stakeholder commitment management

By Jambo on December 11, 2023

Establishing and maintaining stakeholder trust is paramount to successful stakeholder engagement. Staying on top of commitments by ...

5 Proven ideas to transform your community engagement process

By Jambo on November 07, 2023

Community engagement is not just a box to check—it's a vital catalyst for success. Whether you're a community engagement professional ...

Identifying key stakeholders in local consultation and engagement processes

By Jambo on October 16, 2023

Consultation and engagement processes are pivotal in local development and infrastructure projects. Successful outcomes depend on the ...

How to remove participation barriers: inclusivity in community engagement

By Jambo on September 20, 2023

Community and stakeholder engagement are essential to successful decision-making processes and project implementations.

9 Effective Ways to Elevate Your Community Engagement

By Jambo on August 31, 2023

Effective community engagement can bring many benefits, such as increased support for a project, identifying collaboration ...

10 Reasons Why Effective Stakeholder Engagement is Crucial

By Jambo on August 02, 2023

Stakeholders, who can be individuals, groups, or organizations directly or indirectly affected by a project, hold significant ...

How to make your stakeholder engagement more meaningful

By Jambo on July 25, 2023

Effective stakeholder engagement is crucial for the success of many organizations or projects.

6 Reasons Why Your Organization Needs Stakeholder Relationship Management Software Now

By Jambo on June 30, 2023

Maintaining strong relationships with stakeholders and Indigenous or Tribal communities is crucial for many organizations and ...

The best tool for effective stakeholder engagement teams

By Jambo on June 20, 2023

If you're reading this, you probably know that effective stakeholder engagement is crucial for your organization to thrive in today's ...

5 Easy ways to improve your stakeholder relationship management

By Jambo on May 16, 2023

Building and maintaining good stakeholder relationships is essential for your organization's success, but it can be a challenging task ...

Spreadsheets vs Stakeholder Relationship Management Software

By Jambo on May 01, 2023

Choosing the right stakeholder engagement tool With stakeholders and communities playing an increasingly critical role in the success ...

The 5 Risks of Relying on Spreadsheets for Stakeholder Engagement

By Jambo on April 17, 2023

Stakeholder engagement is the process of managing relationships and communications with individuals or groups who have a vested ...

How to Stay on Top of Stakeholder Concerns with Stakeholder Engagement Software

By Britney Blomquist on September 26, 2022

Are Stakeholder Concerns and Issues Always Negative? In stakeholder and community engagement, when we hear words like “concerns,” ...

Is it Time to Think About Purchasing Stakeholder Engagement Software?

By Britney Blomquist on August 30, 2022

If you’re using spreadsheets or software built for things other than stakeholder engagement (like project management, marketing, or ...

5 Best practices to improve stakeholder engagement

By Britney Blomquist on August 16, 2022

In this blog, we’re covering five best practices to improve stakeholder engagement, but even just doing this research is a best ...

Social Capital - What It Is, Why It's Important, and How to Build It

By Britney Blomquist on July 26, 2022

In stakeholder engagement, social capital is often about the social relationships and networks built based on shared values and trust, ...

How to Set Up Your Jambo Account to Produce the Reports You Need

By Britney Blomquist on July 20, 2022

Often, it isn’t until you need to produce a stakeholder engagement report that you realize:

How Jambo Helps Stakeholder Engagement Teams Work Effectively from Anywhere

By Britney Blomquist on June 24, 2022

These days, engagement teams are often working on the same projects but from separate locations. With some people in the field, some ...

Ask the Expert: What are Indigenous Relationship Agreements and Steps to Get Started

By Britney Blomquist on June 13, 2022

In this blog, we talk with the very knowledgeable, Dione McGuinness from IndigenUs Consulting, about Indigenous relationship ...

How Jambo Takes Your Data Security Seriously

By Britney Blomquist on May 27, 2022

Whether you’ve ever lost a notebook with your meeting notes, experienced the cold sweat that comes just after you almost spilt your ...

The Benefits of Centralizing Your Stakeholder Data

By Britney Blomquist on May 20, 2022

Keeping your data centralized in a platform like Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) software is a data management best practice ...

How Jambo Helps Lower the Risk of Working with Contractors

By Britney Blomquist on April 28, 2022

If you’re currently hiring or working with third parties like contractors, subcontractors, students, or summer interns to help with ...

How to Keep Your Stakeholder Data Clean

By Britney Blomquist on April 20, 2022

Easy data cleansing tips to use along with your Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) software We’ve all heard about the ...

Expert Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Stakeholder Data

By Britney Blomquist on March 24, 2022

Did you know your stakeholder data can be used for more than helping to meet your regulatory requirements or gaining buy-in? ...

7 Ways to Build Stakeholder Trust

By Britney Blomquist on March 16, 2022

Whether you’re focused on stakeholder engagement risk management, meeting regulatory requirements, or working on developing positive ...

14 Ways to Prepare Your Team for Using New Stakeholder Management Software

By Britney Blomquist on February 25, 2022

In this blog, the Jambo Customer Success team shares 14 tips for planning a successful Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) ...

Ask The Expert: How Change Management Can Facilitate a Stakeholder Management System Implementation

By Britney Blomquist on February 24, 2022

Joining Jambo today for this Q&A blog is Jan Pezarro from Q4 Consults. Q4 Consults focus on strategic planning, communications and ...

How an SRM Can Help Strengthen Stakeholder Engagement Planning

By Jambo on February 17, 2022

Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) software is a platform used to manage stakeholder information, communications, and ...

What You Need to Know About Your Stakeholders

Sarah Hope
By Sarah Hope on January 31, 2022

In this blog, our stakeholder engagement specialist, Sarah Hope, tells us how and why you should get to know your stakeholders better. ...

Top Stakeholder Engagement Tools to Improve Your Engagement Journey

By Britney Blomquist on January 25, 2022

In this blog, we share some of the top stakeholder engagement tools and explain where in the stakeholder engagement journey they may ...

Speed Up Your Stakeholder Management Process with Jambo’s Workflow Automation

By Britney Blomquist on December 28, 2021

If you want to improve your stakeholder management process by making it faster and easier, you’ll want to choose software with great ...

Why you can't wait to adopt Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) software

By Britney Blomquist on December 22, 2021

Waiting to adopt an SRM means losing valuable time and opportunities to lower your risks. If you've been researching how to streamline ...

4 Tips for Keeping Your Stakeholder Engagement Messaging Consistent

By Britney Blomquist on December 21, 2021

Whether you have multiple stakeholder engagement practitioners on your team, work with engagement contractors, or have one person ...

3 Ways Jambo Improves Your Contact Management

By Britney Blomquist on November 26, 2021

How Jambo SRM will help you organize your contacts so that you can engage and consult more effectively Contact management is about ...

3 Reasons to Switch from Spreadsheets to Stakeholder Relationship Management Software

By Britney Blomquist on November 24, 2021

Read our blog to find out why it's time to graduate from spreadsheets and start using Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) to ...

How Jambo Can Help You Solve 4 Common Data Management Problems

By Britney Blomquist on October 27, 2021

How our Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) Software can help you get the most from your stakeholder data by overcoming 4 common ...

3 Tips for Better Stakeholder Data Management

By Britney Blomquist on October 25, 2021

How Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) software can help you take your data management beyond spreadsheets for better results ...

4 Ways Stakeholder Relationship Management Software Improves Teamwork

By Britney Blomquist on October 22, 2021

With stakeholder engagement and consultation projects, you might be working with different stakeholder engagement practitioners, ...

4 Ways SRM Reports Help Your Stakeholder Engagement Projects

By Britney Blomquist on September 29, 2021

Throughout your stakeholder engagement project, you’ll inevitably need to compile reports to meet various needs. These reports are ...

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Use a CRM for Stakeholder Engagement

By Britney Blomquist on September 22, 2021

For stakeholder engagement and consultation projects, it’s crucial to keep accurate, consistent and complete records of all your ...

3 Ways Jambo's Tags Can Improve Your Stakeholder Management

By Britney Blomquist on September 20, 2021

With tags, you can search, organize and understand your stakeholder engagement information faster and easier! When you’re looking to ...

Ask the Expert: What's the Importance of Multi-Channel, Layered Stakeholder Engagement?

By Britney Blomquist on August 31, 2021

What is multi-channel, layered stakeholder engagement and why is it important, especially in Covid-19 recovery times? Joining Jambo ...

4 Ways Jambo Helps You Manage Stakeholder Risks

By Britney Blomquist on August 26, 2021

There are inevitable risks that will arise during your stakeholder engagement and management process, so having the ability to ...

4 Tips to Improve Your Stakeholder's Experience Using Stakeholder Relationship Management Software

By Britney Blomquist on August 24, 2021

Positive stakeholder experiences can make a big difference in the success of your projects and your overall organization, but how can ...

5 Ways Government Can Use Jambo for Better Stakeholder Relationships

By Britney Blomquist on July 27, 2021

If you're part of a government department, office, agency, or crown corporation and you're doing government-led citizen and ...

8 Ways to Save Time with Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) Software

By Britney Blomquist on July 23, 2021

How saving time with an SRM will help your team to meet your stakeholder engagement goals in the fastest and most efficient way ...

5 essential steps to a stakeholder engagement plan

By Britney Blomquist on July 20, 2021

With extra tips and resources to help you create a strategic plan for better project outcomes. What is a stakeholder engagement plan? ...

Ask the Expert: Top 5 Tips for Diffusing Conflict During Online Stakeholder Engagement

By Britney Blomquist on June 28, 2021

With 5 Bonus Tips for Navigating a High Emotion Situation with a Stakeholder Joining Jambo for this Q&A blog is Kim Hyshka, ...

4 Ways Jambo Makes Your Stakeholder Management Easier

By Jambo on June 25, 2021

Whether you want to improve your stakeholder relationships, stay on top of issues or lower your project risks, utilizing Stakeholder ...

4 Tips to Gain Team Buy-In for Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) Software

By Britney Blomquist on June 24, 2021

How to lead your team through change to gain buy-in for a new SRM and bonus tips for selecting the best SRM Once you're ready to adopt ...

Ask The Expert: 7 Tips for Planning Your Next Online Stakeholder Engagement Event

By Britney Blomquist on May 27, 2021

Tips and Considerations to Help you Meet Stakeholder Expectations Around Online Events Now and in the Future Joining Jambo for this ...

10 Signs it's Time to Use Stakeholder Relationship Management Software (SRM)

By Britney Blomquist on May 26, 2021

Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) software is designed to simplify and streamline the stakeholder management process by giving ...

How Jambo Helps Government Departments Meet 4 Stakeholder Management Challenges

By Britney Blomquist on May 25, 2021

For today’s blog, we’re going to share how we’ve developed our Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) software, Jambo, to help our ...

How Jambo can Help You with Public Consultation

By Britney Blomquist on April 30, 2021

In public consultation, organizations are looking for input, often on how their project may impact the public (positively or ...

5 Reasons SRM Software is Vital for Your Organization

By Britney Blomquist on April 29, 2021

Today, stakeholder management is about so much more than just managing data and trying to win influence; instead, it’s also about ...

7 key steps in stakeholder relationship management

By Britney Blomquist on April 27, 2021

Stakeholder relationship management is the process of managing your relationships with different stakeholders and communities. It's ...

Ask the Expert: Reconciliation and ESG Reporting - the Road Forward

By Britney Blomquist on March 29, 2021

How ESG Reporting and Reconciliation Interconnect and the Importance of Effective Reporting and Tracking on this Journey Joining Jambo ...

6 Ways Jambo Can Help You Improve Your Stakeholder Meetings

By Britney Blomquist on March 23, 2021

How Our Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) Software Can Help You to Improve Your Meetings for Better Project Outcomes What is ...

Is there a CRM for Stakeholder Management: Yes! It's Called SRM

By Britney Blomquist on March 22, 2021

4 Reasons you Should Choose an SRM over a CRM for your Stakeholder Management While you might have heard of people trying to use a CRM ...

4 Reasons Jambo is One of the Best Stakeholder Relationship Management Software Tools

By Britney Blomquist on February 24, 2021

And Why Utilizing a Quality SRM is the Best Way to Manage Your Stakeholder Engagement Efforts Once you’re ready to adopt Stakeholder ...

How Stakeholder Relationship Management Software Can Help You Understand Your Stakeholders Better

By Britney Blomquist on February 22, 2021

And how using Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) software to understand your stakeholders can lead to better project outcomes. ...

4 ways to make your stakeholder engagement more inclusive

By Britney Blomquist on February 19, 2021

Effective stakeholder engagement requires you to build positive stakeholder relationships where everyone involved feels like they've ...

How Jambo Helps you Maintain your Sustainability Certifications

By Britney Blomquist on January 22, 2021

In sustainability reporting, organizations report on their environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) performances. While ...

5 Ways Stakeholder Relationship Management Software Helps You Effectively Communicate with Stakeholders

By Britney Blomquist on January 20, 2021

How an SRM Can Help to Improve Your Stakeholder Communication and Engagement Efforts for Stronger Stakeholder Relationships

5 Benefits of Stakeholder Relationship Management Software Traceability

By Britney Blomquist on January 12, 2021

How stakeholder relationship management software (SRM) with traceability helps your stakeholder engagement plan What is traceability? ...

How Stakeholder Engagement Aligns with Your ESG Strategy

By Britney Blomquist on December 18, 2020

What is ESG? ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and these three factors are used to measure an organization’s ...

3 Ways Jambo Helps with Your Stakeholder Engagement Project Buy-In

By Britney Blomquist on December 14, 2020

With stakeholder engagement, project buy-in is often top of mind, which makes sense because, without it, your project could see ...

9 Questions to Help Identify Your Stakeholders

By Britney Blomquist on December 11, 2020

When we talk about stakeholder analysis or completing a stakeholder mapping exercise, we always talk about the need to identify your ...

5 Benefits of Stakeholder Mapping in Stakeholder Management

By Britney Blomquist on November 27, 2020

Stakeholder management can be an extensive process and without flexible plans in place from the start, things like stakeholder issues ...

4 Ways Jambo Optimizes User Experience (UX)

By Britney Blomquist on November 26, 2020

And Why UX is Key in Stakeholder Relationship Management Software What Is User Experience in Software? User experience (UX) is the ...

5 Things You Can't Do Using Spreadsheets for Stakeholder Management

By Britney Blomquist on November 20, 2020

For many working in stakeholder engagement, spreadsheets may be the first data management tool that comes to mind. However, ...

6 Common Problems with Stakeholder Relationship Management Software

By Britney Blomquist on October 29, 2020

Common Reasons SRM Implementations Fail and How to Avoid Them While Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) software aims to make ...

Jambo’s Easy 5-Step Implementation Process

By Britney Blomquist on October 27, 2020

How to make your Jambo implementation a success in just 5 simple steps You’ve chosen Jambo as the stakeholder relationship management ...

What is Stakeholder Analysis?

By Britney Blomquist on October 21, 2020

Stakeholder analysis is an important part of your stakeholder engagement plan and stakeholder management efforts!

Managing Stakeholder Issues with Stakeholder Relationship Management Software

By Britney Blomquist on September 25, 2020

Using Stakeholder Relationship Management Software (SRM) to Manage Stakeholder Issues Engaging with a variety of unique stakeholders ...

5 tips for emailing stakeholders

By Britney Blomquist on September 18, 2020

Honest, transparent and respectful communication is vital when communicating with your project stakeholders. With this in mind, it’s ...

5 Tips for Attending a Virtual Conference

By Britney Blomquist on August 19, 2020

The Benefits of a Virtual Conference and How to Get Real Value from Your Time COVID-19 and the restrictions associated with travel and ...

What’s New in Jambo? Two-Factor Authentication

By Britney Blomquist on August 12, 2020

Enhanced Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) Software Security to Keep You and Your Stakeholder’s Information Safe We’ve been ...

Ask the Expert: Indigenous Inclusion Strategies: Where to Start?

By Britney Blomquist on August 07, 2020

What Goes into an Indigenous Inclusion Strategy and How Can Effective Engagement Support These Processes? Joining Jambo for this ...

What is Stakeholder Relationship Management Software?

By Britney Blomquist on July 30, 2020

Jambo's Complete Guide to Stakeholder Relationship Management Software Today, stakeholder relationship management is a critical ...

How Stakeholder Relationship Management Software Helps You Manage Stakeholder Commitments

By Britney Blomquist on July 10, 2020

Follow Commitments Through to Resolution with Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) Software Stakeholder Relationship Management ...

4 Tips for Choosing Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) Software

By Britney Blomquist on June 30, 2020

There’s no denying that managing a stakeholder engagement program (or programs!) can be an overwhelming task. If you are trying to ...

How to do a stakeholder mapping exercise

By Britney Blomquist on June 25, 2020

What is stakeholder mapping? Stakeholder mapping is part of stakeholder analysis and is an exercise where you identify project ...

Jambo's communication campaigns module

By Jambo on June 22, 2020

How Our Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) Software Will Streamline Your Mass Communication Efforts We're continuously working ...

How Stakeholder Relationship Management Software Helps Build Stakeholder Trust and Relationships

By Britney Blomquist on May 27, 2020

Why Stakeholder Relationship Management Software Should be Part of Your Stakeholder Engagement Plan When it comes to stakeholder ...

Adapting with Collaborative Stakeholder Engagement Software

By Britney Blomquist on May 19, 2020

How Cloud-Based Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) Software Is Your Best Collaboration Tool Whether You're in The Office or ...

Ask the Expert: 5 New Trends and Best Practices in Stakeholder Engagement

By Britney Blomquist on April 30, 2020

5 Important Trends that are Changing Stakeholder Engagement and Expert Advice on How to Address Them Foreword: This blog is addressing ...

Improving Your Change Management Process with Stakeholder Relationship Management Software (SRM)

By Britney Blomquist on April 21, 2020

How an SRM Can Manage Your Key Communications for a Smoother Transition Whether your organization is implementing new technologies or ...

Why You Should Own Your Stakeholder Data

By Britney Blomquist on March 30, 2020

Important considerations when outsourcing your stakeholder engagement Stakeholder Engagement is an Ongoing Process Stakeholder ...

Why Stakeholder Relationship Management Software is Your Most Valuable Tool

By Britney Blomquist on March 30, 2020

Things can change quickly, and organizations need to be able to adapt. When it comes to your stakeholder engagement programs, quality ...

How to De-Risk Your Projects with Stakeholder Relationship Management Software

By Britney Blomquist on March 23, 2020

Common Stakeholder Information Management Risks and How SRM Software Can Help When it comes to stakeholder engagement, there are ...

Ask The Expert: Advice for Managing Stakeholder Issues

By Britney Blomquist on February 28, 2020

Joining Jambo for this Q&A blog is Dayna Morgan and Dione McGuinness from BRITT RADIUS. BRITT RADIUS specializes in land access ...

Top 3 Reasons to Join a Jambo Live Web Demo

By Britney Blomquist on February 27, 2020

How Our Demos Help You to Evaluate Jambo on Your Terms Joining a live web demo is an excellent option if you want to learn more about ...

3 reasons stakeholder relationships are key to your organization's success

By Britney Blomquist on February 18, 2020

We know the importance of having a strategic stakeholder engagement plan, but let’s not forget about the value of building stakeholder ...

5 Ways Jambo Helps You Save Time

By Britney Blomquist on January 30, 2020

While designing Jambo, we talked to a lot of industry, government and sustainability professionals to find out what challenges they ...

10 Reasons Why it’s Time to Break-up with Spreadsheets

By Britney Blomquist on January 27, 2020

Spreadsheets aren’t the best option for managing your stakeholder engagement information when building stakeholder relationships. Read ...

SRM vs CRM: What's the Difference?

By Britney Blomquist on January 09, 2020

Considerations for Choosing Your Ideal Stakeholder Relationship Management Software With expectations around stakeholder engagement ...

What is Stakeholder Engagement, Anyway?

By Britney Blomquist on December 10, 2019

What is Stakeholder Engagement? Let's start with the basics! We talk about the importance of having a stakeholder engagement strategy ...

News Release: Forestry Companies Say Hello to Jambo

Elva Kennedy
By Elva Kennedy on December 05, 2019

Innovative Software Is Changing How Companies Manage Their Stakeholder Relationships and Commitments DEC 2019, EDMONTON, ALBERTA – ...

My Amazing Adventure: Seeing Jambo’s Pledge 1% at Work in Africa

Kristen Badley
By Kristen Badley on December 03, 2019

Overview In 2019 Jambo joined the Pledge 1% global movement with the commitment to give 1% of profits to Classrooms for Africa, a ...

10 tips to improve how you engage with your stakeholders

Elva Kennedy
By Elva Kennedy on July 16, 2019

After reading this blog, we hope that you learn some easy ways to improve how you engage with your stakeholders. Good stakeholder ...

Top 7 Tips for Deeper Stakeholder Engagement

Elva Kennedy
By Elva Kennedy on January 29, 2019

The Future of Stakeholder Engagement Demand for stakeholder engagement and consultation is increasing both from governments and the ...