Stakeholder analysis is an important part of your stakeholder engagement plan and stakeholder management efforts!
Stakeholder analysis means taking a close look at your stakeholders by identifying them and then prioritizing them according to their levels of interest, and influence in a project. Stakeholder analysis helps you to learn about and understand your stakeholders better so your project and your engagement efforts are more effective.
Determining your stakeholder’s opinions about your organization and your project is important information to help guide your engagement plan and leads to better decision-making.
You can combine stakeholder perspectives with your team’s technical knowledge to help you better understand your project and your stakeholders.
Remember, your stakeholders’ lived experience and expertise are important to consider!
By taking the time to understand your stakeholders, you’re more likely to understand their concerns, which will help you to identify topics that might be sensitive and could potentially turn into issues. This is important because having the ability to identify and address issues early means you’re better able to prepare the necessary resources and step in to save critical relationships!
As Dayna Morgan from BRITT RADIUS explained in our Stakeholder Issues Expert Blog, “dealing with issues early on can actually build advocates.”
When you identify your stakeholders and understand their perspectives and concerns, you can better plan your communication strategy and the tactics you’ll use to engage more effectively and focus on building important stakeholder relationships.
To identify all your potential stakeholders, we recommend making the stakeholder identification process a team exercise. With your team, brainstorm each individual or group that could be affected by your project in a positive or negative way.
Need some help? Check out our list of questions to help you brainstorm!
Once you begin answering these questions, you’ll develop a better idea of the types of stakeholders and communities impacted by your project. Use these insights to start building your stakeholder list.
A popular stakeholder mapping canvas is Mendelow’s Power-Interest Matrix, which you can use to determine your stakeholders’ level of interest and influence on your organization or project—This is done through a stakeholder mapping exercise.
There are several benefits to mapping your stakeholders. Categorizing stakeholders through a stakeholder mapping exercise helps guide your level of engagement for each category of stakeholders, so you know where your resources need to be focused.
Once your stakeholders are identified and prioritized, you need to take some time to understand them and their perspectives on your project.
When you begin to understand stakeholder perspectives you can make an assessment as to where they stand regarding your project (i.e. support, object, conditional, undecided or neutral).
Remember, stakeholder assessment can change over time! Make sure you continue to monitor your stakeholder and their perspectives on your project (i.e. stakeholders can move from support to object as your project progresses).
Once you’ve identified your stakeholders, prioritized them and learned about their perspectives, it’s time to start engaging!
The Spectrum of Public Participation developed by the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2), is an excellent tool for identifying which level of engagement (or participation) is best for your stakeholder engagement strategy.
The IAP2 Spectrum identifies five different levels of participation: inform, consult, involve, collaborate, and empower. Some organizations prefer to choose one strategy for all stakeholders, while other organizations prefer to focus on tailoring their engagement strategy based upon a stakeholder’s interest or influence/power, which enables them to focus efforts where it's needed most.
For example, a low-influence/low-interest stakeholder is not likely to be influenced or be concerned with your project and might only need to be informed (often with one-way communication).
Whereas your key stakeholders (i.e. high influence/high interest) have a much greater potential to impact your project and, based on the IAP2 levels of engagement, may need to be consulted, involved, collaborated with and/or empowered, depending on the circumstance or your organization's vision for engagement.
Once you decide on your level of engagement, you’re ready to choose your specific engagement tactics. Your tactics are simply your chosen methods for how you’re going to engage.
For some tips on making your stakeholder engagement more inclusive, visit our blog!
Your stakeholder analysis process isn’t done after you analyze your stakeholders once; you need to revisit this process periodically throughout your project.
It’s important to revisit this process because as you collect data from your engagement efforts and get insights into the things people care about, you’ll begin to see themes emerge that can influence your stakeholder engagement plan moving forward.
Repeating this process is vital as you’ll want to monitor to see if stakeholder perspectives and their assessment of your project (i.e. do they still fall under support, object, conditional, undecided or neutral) has changed.
When it comes to the stakeholder engagement information that you’ll be collecting (communications, issues, commitments, tasks, etc.), staying organized and keeping detailed records of all your engagement efforts is critical during this process and there’s no better way than with Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) software like Jambo!
Want to learn about the differences between SRM and CRM? Check out our blog!
When you’re in the very beginning stages, making sense of all your stakeholder analysis information can feel overwhelming. A simple way to organize your stakeholder analysis data is with a stakeholder analysis matrix.